Ouranoupoli – Agios Paisios – Agia Anastasia

Άγιος Παΐσιος – Αγία Αναστασία – (Τίμιος Πρόδρομος) – Ουρανούπολη

Book your Tour to Ouranoupoli – Agios Paisios – Agia Anastasia from Thessaloniki by Private car or minivan or minibus easily in low cost prices with Minivantransfers.

Daily Tour Ουρανούπολη – (Τίμιος Πρόδρομος) – Αγία Αναστασία – Άγιος Παΐσιος


Duration: 9:00h 



1-4 Passengers




4-8 Passengers




8-20 Passengers


Daily Tour to Ouranoupoli – Agios Paisios – Agia Anastasia

Αυτή η εκδρομή αφορά τους προσκυνητές του Αγίου Όρους που θα ήθελαν να γεμίσουν τη μέρα τους είτε πηγαίνοντας προς την Ουρανούπολη είτε επιστρέφοντας από τον Άθωνα. Η Ιερά Πατριαρχική και Σταυροπηγιακή Μονή της Αγίας Αναστασίας της Φαρμακολυτρίας κτισμένη στη νότια πλαγιά του «Μεγάλου Βουνού» στα αριστερά του δρόμου που οδηγεί από την Θεσσαλονίκη προς τον Πολύγυρο – Αρναία – Άγιον Όρος, ανάγει την ίδρυση της στα τέλη του 9ου αιώνα και την εποχή της δυναστείας των Μακεδόνων. Το Μοναστήρι το ίδρυσε ή Θεοφανώ πρώτη γυναίκα του βυζαντινού αυτοκράτορα Λέοντα Στ΄ του Σοφού η οποία και το προίκισε με πολλές δωρεές και κτήματα. Μεγαλύτερη όμως ευεργεσία ήταν η Τίμια Κάρα της Αγίας Αναστασίας και μέρος από το δεξί πόδι της Αγίας όπως και Σταυρός με μέρος από το Τίμιο Ξύλο, επίσης το σκήπτρο του Αυτοκράτορα Λέοντα Στ του Σοφού το οποίο μαζί με χρυσόβουλα και αλλά τιμαλφή καταστράφηκαν κατά το ολοκαύτωμα της Ιεράς Μονής τον Ιούνιο του 1821, όπου σφαγιάστηκαν από τους Τούρκους ο Ηγούμενος Μακάριος οι Πατέρες και τα γυναικόπαιδα που είχαν κρυφτεί στο μοναστήρι. Μετά το ολοκαύτωμα του 1821 η Μονή καταστράφηκε παντελώς.

Πριν το ολοκαύτωμα και συγκεκριμένα το 1522, ο ιερομόναχος Θεώνας προερχόμενος από το Άγιον Όρος μαζί με τη συνοδεία του εγκαταστάθηκαν στο ερειπωμένο μονύδριον όπως το περιγράφει ο βιογράφος του Αγίου Θεωνά, Όσιος Νικόδημος ο Αγιορείτης: «και ευρόντες το Μοναστήριον τούτο της Αγίας Αναστασίας…ανήγειραν εκ βάθρων, και λίαν ικανά κελλία δια τους αδελφούς και χάριτι Χριστού εσυνάχθησαν έως εκατόν πεντήκοντα αδελφοί και απερνούσαν
κοινοβιακήν ζωήν. Επάνω δε είς τάς οικοδομάς αυτάς και επάνω είς όλους τους αδελφούς, ήτον ηγούμενος και προεστώς ο Άγιος Θεωνάς’’.
Το 1535 ο ιερομόναχος Θεώνας εκλέγεται Αρχιεπίσκοπος Θεσσαλονίκης. Εκοιμήθη εν Κυρίω το 1541 και ετάφη εις την Ιερά Μονή. Μετά την εκταφήν, το μυροβόλο, άφθαρτο λείψανο και τα θαύματα τον κατέστησαν Άγιο της Εκκλησίας με πράξη της Μεγάλης του Χριστού Εκκλησίας.
Στην Ιερά Μονή Αγίας Αναστασίας Φαρμακολύτριας στα Βασιλικά Θεσσαλονίκης φυλάσσονται Ιερά Λείψανα των Αγίων Αποστόλου Ανδρέα του Πρωτόκλητου, το σκήνωμα του Οσίου Θεωνά Α’, Αρχιεπίσκοπου Θεσσαλονίκης, οι κάρες τριών Οσιομαρτύρων: Ιακώβου του Γέροντα, Ιακώβου του Διακόνου και Διονυσίου του Μοναχού, λείψανο της Οσίας Ματρώνας της Ρωσίδας και Αόμματης ενσωματωμένο σε εικόνα και τεμάχιο Τιμίου Ξύλου, δώρο της Αγίας βασίλισσας Θεοφανούς. Δυστυχώς από τη Μονή έχουν κλαπεί από τον Απρίλιο του 2012, η Τιμία Κάρα της Αγίας Αναστασίας και μία Λειψανοθήκη που περιείχε το δεξί πόδι της. Επίσης εκλάπησαν δύο λειψανοθήκες που περιείχαν Ιερά Λείψανα της Αγίας Αναστασίας, του Αγίου Μοδέστου και της Αγίας Παρασκευής.

Η Ιερά Μονή είναι ανοικτή καθημερινά από το πρωί έως τη δύση του ηλίου.


Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου (τάφος του Αγίου Παϊσίου του Αγιορείτου.)

Στην Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου στη Σουρωτή, η οποία είναι γνωστή καθώς εκεί βρίσκεται ο τάφος του Αγίου Παϊσίου του Αγιορείτου.
Ο Άγιος Παΐσιος ο Αγιορείτης ήταν Έλληνας Καππαδόκης μοναχός του 20ού αιώνα. Η κατάταξή του ως Αγίου της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας πραγματοποιήθηκε από το Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο Κωνσταντινουπόλεως στις 13 Ιανουαρίου 2015 και η μνήμη του γιορτάζεται στις 12 Ιουλίου, ημερομηνία
κοιμήσεώς του. Τη Δευτέρα 11 Ιουλίου (γιορτή της Αγίας Ευφημίας) κοινώνησε για τελευταία φορά γονατιστός μπροστά στο κρεβάτι του. Τελικά απεβίωσε την Τρίτη 12 Ιουλίου 1994 και ώρα 11:00 σε ηλικία 69 ετών και ενταφιάστηκε στην Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννη του Θεολόγου στη Σουρωτή – Βασιλικά Θεσσαλονίκης. Από τότε, κάθε χρόνο στις 11 προς 12 Ιουλίου, στην Εορτή του, τελείται αγρυπνία στο Ιερό Ησυχαστήριο. Από τότε χιλιάδες πιστοί από την Ελλάδα, την Κύπρο και όλον τον κόσμο έρχονται να προσκυνήσουν τόσο τον τάφο του Αγίου Παϊσίου όσο και τα λείψανα του Αγίου Αρσενίου και να θαυμάσουν μια από τις
ομορφότερες μονές της Ελλάδος. Στο μοναστήρι ζουν 60 περίπου μοναχές και υπάρχει έκθεση με βιβλία και άλλα χριστιανικά αντικείμενα που μπορείτε να προμηθευτείτε.
Προσοχή στην ενδυμασία σας, γιατί, αν δεν ανταποκρίνεται στην τάξη της μονής (φούστες μακριές και κοντομάνικα μπλουζάκια για τις γυναίκες και μακριά παντελόνια και κοντομάνικα μπλουζάκια για τους άντρες), δε μπορείτε να περάσετε μέσα στον χώρο του μοναστηριού.

Το μοναστήρι του Αγίου Παϊσίου μπορείτε να το επισκεφτείτε τις παρακάτω ώρες και μέρες:
ΤΡΙΤΗ και ΠΕΜΠΤΗ: 10 π.μ. – 1 μ.μ. και 4 μ.μ. – 6 μ.μ. (ή 5μ.μ. – 7μ.μ. από Απρίλιο μέχρι
ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ : 10 π.μ. – 3 μ.μ.
ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ: 11 π.μ. – 1 μ.μ. και 4 μ.μ. – 6 μ.μ . (ή 5μ.μ. – 7μ.μ. από Απρίλιο μέχρι Οκτώβριο)


    Route to Thessaloniki City →Daily tour→Thessaloniki City

    Cruise to Mount Athos

    Cruise to Mount Athos

    Book your Cruise to Mount Athos from Thessaloniki by Private car or minivan or minibus easily in low cost prices with Minivantransfers.

    Daily Cruise to Mount Athos

    Thessaloniki City →Daily tour Thessaloniki City

    Duration: 7:00h 



    1-4 Passengers




    4-8 Passengers




    8-20 Passengers



    The tour of the Holy State of Mount Athos is a spiritual journey through the centuries-old and rich history of Orthodox Monasticism.
    Mount Athos is a timelessly sacred place, which with its tranquility, spiritual peace and and its pristine natural beauty, offers the visitor unique experiences n that remain forever engraved in the memory of the visitor.

    The monasteries of Byzantine architecture, some perched on huge rocks and others fortified behind high walls that resemble castles and gaze proudly at the Aegean Sea for over 1000 years. During the cruise there is an audio tour for the monasteries we see in Greek, English and Russian.

    The cruise to Mount Athos departs from Ouranoupolis twice a day. Daily from April 1 to October 31. The midday cruise to Mount Athos is available from 15 May to 15 October. The duration of the Mount Athos cruise is three hours.

    With the ship “Captain Fotis” the cruise starts at 10:30 and lasts until 14:00, while the The lunch cruise starts immediately, at 14:00. (https://athos-cruises.gr/product/cruise-1-tickets-ouranoupolis-to-mount-athos/)

    On the Calypso the morning cruise starts at 11.00 and lasts until 14.00 and the afternoon cruise starts at 15.30 and lasts until 18.30 (https://www.calypso-cruises.gr/booking/)
    The prices for the three-hour cruises are around 20 euros for adults.

    With the Calypso the morning cruise starts at 11.00 and lasts until 14.00 while the morning cruise starts at 11.00 and lasts until 14.00.
    afternoon cruise starts at 15.30 and lasts until 18.30 (https://www.calypso-cruises.gr/booking/)
    Prices for the three-hour cruises are around 20 euros for adults and 10 euros for children.
    euros for children.
    Our vehicles pick you up from Thessaloniki and take you to the port of Thessaloniki.
    Uranoupolis port for the three-hour cruise. Any other waiting time is charged extra (e.g.
    for food, coffee, or any other stop more than 20 minutes).

      Route to Thessaloniki City →Daily tour→Thessaloniki City

      Agios paisios

      Agios Paisios

      Book your Tour to Agios Paisios from Thessaloniki and Back by Private car or minivan or minibus easily in low cost prices with Minivantransfers.

      Daily Tour to Agios Paisios

      Thessaloniki City →Daily tour Thessaloniki City

      Duration: 3:00h 



      1-4 Passengers




      4-8 Passengers




      8-20 Passengers



      Agios Paisios Tour

      Agios Paisios tourDuring your stay in Thessaloniki it is worth visiting the Holy Monastery of Agios Ioannis the Theologian in Souroti, which is known as there is the tomb of the new Agios Paisios of Mount Athos. Thousands of believers from Greece, Cyprus and around the world come to worship both the tomb of Agios Paisios and the relics of Agios Arsenios and admire one of the most beautiful monasteries in Greece. There are about 60 nuns living in the monastery and there is an exhibition of books and other Christian objects that you can get. Pay attention to your clothing, because, if it does not correspond to the order of the monastery, you can not go inside the monastery. Currently the monastery is closed due to coronavirus. It may open after Easter. It is better to communicate with the monastery before your transfer. The phone 23960 41320 answers every Tuesday – Thursday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM AND 12:30 PM – 02:00 PM. If you have time you can visit, after the pilgrimage, the Coffee Shop of the women’s cooperative of Agios Antonios which is located in the most beautiful part of the village, overlooking Mount Olympus. You can enjoy coffee on embers, dessert full of aromas, pie with original recipe or galaktoboureko, Perek, pies, ravani The Women’s Agricultural Cooperative of Traditional Products of Agios Antonios was founded in June 1999 and is the first women’s cooperative in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki.

      Κατά τη παραμονή σας στη Θεσσαλονίκη αξίζει να επισκεφτείτε την Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου στη Σουρωτή, η οποία είναι γνωστή καθώς εκεί βρίσκεται ο τάφος του Αγίου Παϊσίου του Αγιορείτου.
      Ο Άγιος Παΐσιος ο Αγιορείτης ήταν Έλληνας Καππαδόκης μοναχός του 20ού αιώνα. Η κατάταξή του ως Αγίου της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας πραγματοποιήθηκε από το Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο Κωνσταντινουπόλεως στις 13 Ιανουαρίου 2015 και η μνήμη του γιορτάζεται στις 12 Ιουλίου, ημερομηνία κοιμήσεώς του.
      Τη Δευτέρα 11 Ιουλίου (γιορτή της Αγίας Ευφημίας) κοινώνησε για τελευταία φορά γονατιστός μπροστά στο κρεβάτι του. Τελικά απεβίωσε την Τρίτη 12 Ιουλίου 1994 και ώρα 11:00 σε ηλικία 69 ετών και ενταφιάστηκε στην Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννη του Θεολόγου στη Σουρωτή – Βασιλικά Θεσσαλονίκης. Από τότε, κάθε χρόνο στις 11 προς 12 Ιουλίου, στην Εορτή του, τελείται αγρυπνία στο Ιερό Ησυχαστήριο. Από τότε χιλιάδες πιστοί από την Ελλάδα, την Κύπρο και όλον τον κόσμο έρχονται να προσκυνήσουν τόσο τον τάφο του Αγίου Παϊσίου όσο και τα λείψανα του Αγίου Αρσενίου και να θαυμάσουν μια από τις ομορφότερες μονές της Ελλάδος. Στο μοναστήρι ζουν 60 περίπου μοναχές και υπάρχει έκθεση με βιβλία και άλλα χριστιανικά αντικείμενα που μπορείτε να προμηθευτείτε. Προσοχή στην ενδυμασία σας, γιατί, αν δεν ανταποκρίνεται στην τάξη της μονής (φούστες μακριές και κοντομάνικα μπλουζάκια για τις γυναίκες και μακριά παντελόνια και κοντομάνικα μπλουζάκια για τους άντρες), δε μπορείτε να περάσετε μέσα στον χώρο του μοναστηριού.

        Route to Thessaloniki City →Daily tour→Thessaloniki City

        Minivan or Taxi Transfer from Dion to SKG


        Book your airport transfer online easily and efficiently. Thessaloniki Minivan Transfers undertakes your transfer from Thessaloniki airport to Dion in Pieria. We specialize in private tours and transfers for small groups, individual travelers, business travelers and families. Arrange a taxi or minivan transfer to or from Thessaloniki in advance and start your vacation stress-free. In case you are unable to complete the online booking successfully, please send us an email.


        Private Car Service

        1-4 Passengers

        from : 120€


        Minivan Service

        1-8 Passengers

        from :140€


        Minivan + Τaxi

        Up to 12 Passengers

        from :247€


        2 Minivans

        Up to 16 Passengers

        from :260€


        Journey Information



        Loading map...
        Journey Time

        Hotels in Dion

        Transfer from SKG to ΔΙΟΝ Rooms
        Transfer from SKG to Safetis stories
        Transfer from SKG to Koromilia Refuge

        What should I know about Dion?

        Dion is 114 km from Thessaloniki airport. Dion is a destination for thousands of visitors from Greece and around the world every year. Also, a large number of visitors gather during cultural events that take place in the ancient Hellenistic theater (Olympus Festival).

        Ancient Greek writers tell us that Dion was the place where the Macedonians regularly gathered to honor the Olympian gods and especially Zeus and his daughters, the Muses, with sacrifices and offerings.

        In the 5th century BC, when the Macedonian state gained great power and began to play a leading role in the geographical space of the Greek territory, brilliant games, athletic and theatrical, were established in Dion, the Olympias in Dion.

        The Macedonian kings themselves took care of the organization of these games, who used the sanctuary of Zeus as the central place of worship for all Macedonians.

        Next to these sacred sites of the Macedonians, a city was built, which began to develop from the 5th century BC. and acquired a monumental form at the end of the 4th century BC, during the years of the Successors of Alexander the Great, when its impressive walls and public buildings were built.

        This important city also communicated with the sea through the Vaphyra, a river that was navigable in ancient times.

        At Dion King Philip celebrated glorious victories and Alexander visited it in preparation for the great campaign.

        At the end of the 1st c. e.g. the Roman colony of Dion was founded, while in the 4th c. A.D. the city became the seat of a Christian diocese. The current image of the archaeological site mainly reflects the prosperous Roman and post-Roman phase of Dion.

        The archaeological site covers an area of 1,500 acres and includes the ancient fortified city, the area of sanctuaries (the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Sanctuary of Demeter, the Sanctuary of Asclepius, the Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos and the Sanctuary of Isis), the Hellenistic and the Roman theater and stadium.

        The Vafyras river flows within the site. On its banks and around small ponds, which are created in the area by gushing springs, rich aquatic vegetation grows, giving an image of special natural beauty. One of the most important and impressive monuments of the ancient city is the paved central road that crosses the city in a north-south direction and a total length of 670 meters.

        All the historical and cultural heritage of Dion, gifted by nature, history and mythology, is presented in its Museums.

        The findings of the excavations in Dion are kept in the Archaeological Museum of Dion, which is housed in a building, at a distance of 500 m from the entrance to the archaeological site, but also in the Archeological Museum, where the impressive mosaic of the Epiphany of Dionysus was transferred. The mosaic is one of the most impressive mosaics in the Greek area, which decorated the floor of the central room of Dionysus’ mansion. It is a banquet hall of 100 sq.m. in a building of 200 AD, one of the most important building complexes of ancient Dion.

        The Mediterranean Mosaic Center is also located in Dion. A mosaic art workshop operates there.

        The distance from Thessaloniki airport is 75 minutes and you can choose for your transportation a type of vehicle such as a taxi or a minivan.

        Transfer From SKG-Airport Makedonia to DION
        by #ThessalonikiMinivanTransfers#

        veroia minivan transfer


        Book your airport transfer online easily and efficiently. Thessaloniki Minivan Transfers undertakes your transfer from Thessaloniki airport to Veroia. We specialize in private tours and transfers for small groups, individual travelers, business travelers and families. Arrange a taxi or minivan transfer to or from Thessaloniki in advance and start your vacation stress-free. In case you are unable to complete the online booking successfully, please send us an email.



        1-4 Passengers




        4-8 Passengers




        8-20 Passengers



        Journey Information



        Loading map...
        Journey Time

        Hotels in Veroia

        Transfer from SKG toALMIRA HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toCABO VÉRDE CAFE BAR
        Transfer from SKG toAMMOS HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUNSET VIEW ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toMEDUSA LUXURY SUITES
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA BLUE APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toAEGEON HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toDODO’S LUXURY SEAVIEW
        Transfer from SKG toANEMOS HOTEL

        Transfer from SKG toNICE VIEW HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toNONI ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toPITHARI HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSANTA BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUN BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toTZITZIFIES PENSION
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA KIZA APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toWELNESS SANTA HOTEL

        What should I know about Veroia?

        Agia Triada is located approximately 14 kilometers from Thessaloniki airport Makedonia. One of the largest tourist resorts in the county of Thessaloniki as one can enjoy the beach, the sea and the sun while at the same time being very close to the city.

        The sea is shallow, the beach is big and organized, ideal for children and families. Furthermore, visitors can enjoy their food and their coffee, in the excellent view of the bay as there are many options for food and coffee.

        Finally, there are high standard hotels as well as rooms for rent to offer a comfortable stay. The distance from Thessaloniki airport SKG is 20 minutes and you can choose for your transportation a type of vehicle such as taxi or minivan.

        Transfer From SKG-Airport Makedonia to VEROIA
        by #ThessalonikiMinivanTransfers#

        velika minivan transfer

        Velika Paralia

        Book your airport transfer online easily and efficiently. Thessaloniki Minivan Transfers undertakes your transfer from Thessaloniki airport to Velika Paralia. We specialize in private tours and transfers for small groups, individual travelers, business travelers and families. Arrange a taxi or minivan transfer to or from Thessaloniki in advance and start your vacation stress-free. In case you are unable to complete the online booking successfully, please send us an email.


        Private Car Service

        1-4 Passengers

        from : 185€


        Minivan Service

        1-8 Passengers

        from :190€


        Minivan + Τaxi

        Up to 12 Passengers

        from :362€


        2 Minivans

        Up to 16 Passengers

        from :360€


        Journey Information



        Loading map...
        Journey Time

        Hotels in Velika Paralia

        Transfer from SKG toALMIRA HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toCABO VÉRDE CAFE BAR
        Transfer from SKG toAMMOS HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUNSET VIEW ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toMEDUSA LUXURY SUITES
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA BLUE APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toAEGEON HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toDODO’S LUXURY SEAVIEW
        Transfer from SKG toANEMOS HOTEL

        Transfer from SKG toNICE VIEW HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toNONI ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toPITHARI HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSANTA BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUN BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toTZITZIFIES PENSION
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA KIZA APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toWELNESS SANTA HOTEL

        What should I know about Velika Paralia?

        Agia Triada is located approximately 14 kilometers from Thessaloniki airport Makedonia. One of the largest tourist resorts in the county of Thessaloniki as one can enjoy the beach, the sea and the sun while at the same time being very close to the city.

        The sea is shallow, the beach is big and organized, ideal for children and families. Furthermore, visitors can enjoy their food and their coffee, in the excellent view of the bay as there are many options for food and coffee.

        Finally, there are high standard hotels as well as rooms for rent to offer a comfortable stay. The distance from Thessaloniki airport SKG is 20 minutes and you can choose for your transportation a type of vehicle such as taxi or minivan.

        Transfer From SKG-Airport Makedonia to VELIKA PARALIA
        by #ThessalonikiMinivanTransfers#

        trikala minivan transfer


        Book your airport transfer online easily and efficiently. Thessaloniki Minivan Transfers undertakes your transfer from Thessaloniki airport to Trikala. We specialize in private tours and transfers for small groups, individual travelers, business travelers and families. Arrange a taxi or minivan transfer to or from Thessaloniki in advance and start your vacation stress-free. In case you are unable to complete the online booking successfully, please send us an email.


        Private Car Service

        1-4 Passengers

        from : 240€


        Minivan Service

        1-8 Passengers

        from :280€


        Minivan + Τaxi

        Up to 12 Passengers

        from :490€


        2 Minivans

        Up to 16 Passengers

        from :520€


        Journey Information



        Loading map...
        Journey Time

        Hotels in Trikala

        Transfer from SKG toALMIRA HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toCABO VÉRDE CAFE BAR
        Transfer from SKG toAMMOS HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUNSET VIEW ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toMEDUSA LUXURY SUITES
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA BLUE APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toAEGEON HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toDODO’S LUXURY SEAVIEW
        Transfer from SKG toANEMOS HOTEL

        Transfer from SKG toNICE VIEW HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toNONI ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toPITHARI HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSANTA BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUN BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toTZITZIFIES PENSION
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA KIZA APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toWELNESS SANTA HOTEL

        What should I know about Trikala?

        Agia Triada is located approximately 14 kilometers from Thessaloniki airport Makedonia. One of the largest tourist resorts in the county of Thessaloniki as one can enjoy the beach, the sea and the sun while at the same time being very close to the city.

        The sea is shallow, the beach is big and organized, ideal for children and families. Furthermore, visitors can enjoy their food and their coffee, in the excellent view of the bay as there are many options for food and coffee.

        Finally, there are high standard hotels as well as rooms for rent to offer a comfortable stay. The distance from Thessaloniki airport SKG is 20 minutes and you can choose for your transportation a type of vehicle such as taxi or minivan.

        Transfer From SKG-Airport Makedonia to Trikala
        by #ThessalonikiMinivanTransfers#

        stomio larissas minivan transfer

        Stomio Larissas

        Book your airport transfer online easily and efficiently. Thessaloniki Minivan Transfers undertakes your transfer from Thessaloniki airport to Stomio Larissas. We specialize in private tours and transfers for small groups, individual travelers, business travelers and families. Arrange a taxi or minivan transfer to or from Thessaloniki in advance and start your vacation stress-free. In case you are unable to complete the online booking successfully, please send us an email.


        Private Car Service

        1-4 Passengers

        from : 162€


        Minivan Service

        1-8 Passengers

        from :180€


        Minivan + Τaxi

        Up to 12 Passengers

        from :329€


        2 Minivans

        Up to 16 Passengers

        from :240€

        Journey Information



        Loading map...
        Journey Time

        Hotels in Stomio Larissas

        Transfer from SKG toALMIRA HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toCABO VÉRDE CAFE BAR
        Transfer from SKG toAMMOS HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUNSET VIEW ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toMEDUSA LUXURY SUITES
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA BLUE APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toAEGEON HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toDODO’S LUXURY SEAVIEW
        Transfer from SKG toANEMOS HOTEL

        Transfer from SKG toNICE VIEW HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toNONI ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toPITHARI HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSANTA BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUN BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toTZITZIFIES PENSION
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA KIZA APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toWELNESS SANTA HOTEL

        What should I know about Stomio Larissas?

        Agia Triada is located approximately 14 kilometers from Thessaloniki airport Makedonia. One of the largest tourist resorts in the county of Thessaloniki as one can enjoy the beach, the sea and the sun while at the same time being very close to the city.

        The sea is shallow, the beach is big and organized, ideal for children and families. Furthermore, visitors can enjoy their food and their coffee, in the excellent view of the bay as there are many options for food and coffee.

        Finally, there are high standard hotels as well as rooms for rent to offer a comfortable stay. The distance from Thessaloniki airport SKG is 20 minutes and you can choose for your transportation a type of vehicle such as taxi or minivan.

        Transfer From SKG-Airport Makedonia to STOMIO LARISSAS
        by #ThessalonikiMinivanTransfers#

        sparti minivan transfer


        Book your airport transfer online easily and efficiently. Thessaloniki Minivan Transfers undertakes your transfer from Thessaloniki airport to Sparti. We specialize in private tours and transfers for small groups, individual travelers, business travelers and families. Arrange a taxi or minivan transfer to or from Thessaloniki in advance and start your vacation stress-free. In case you are unable to complete the online booking successfully, please send us an email.


        Private Car Service

        1-4 Passengers

        from : 920€


        Minivan Service

        1-8 Passengers

        from :1000€


        Minivan + Τaxi

        Up to 12 Passengers

        from :1750€


        2 Minivans

        Up to 16 Passengers

        from :1800€

        Journey Information



        Loading map...
        Journey Time

        Hotels in Sparti

        Transfer from SKG toALMIRA HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toCABO VÉRDE CAFE BAR
        Transfer from SKG toAMMOS HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUNSET VIEW ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toMEDUSA LUXURY SUITES
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA BLUE APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toAEGEON HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toDODO’S LUXURY SEAVIEW
        Transfer from SKG toANEMOS HOTEL

        Transfer from SKG toNICE VIEW HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toNONI ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toPITHARI HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSANTA BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUN BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toTZITZIFIES PENSION
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA KIZA APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toWELNESS SANTA HOTEL

        What should I know about Sparti?

        Agia Triada is located approximately 14 kilometers from Thessaloniki airport Makedonia. One of the largest tourist resorts in the county of Thessaloniki as one can enjoy the beach, the sea and the sun while at the same time being very close to the city.

        The sea is shallow, the beach is big and organized, ideal for children and families. Furthermore, visitors can enjoy their food and their coffee, in the excellent view of the bay as there are many options for food and coffee.

        Finally, there are high standard hotels as well as rooms for rent to offer a comfortable stay. The distance from Thessaloniki airport SKG is 20 minutes and you can choose for your transportation a type of vehicle such as taxi or minivan.

         Transfer From SKG-Airport Makedonia to SPARTI
        by #ThessalonikiMinivanTransfers#

        sivota minivan transfer


        Book your airport transfer online easily and efficiently. Thessaloniki Minivan Transfers undertakes your transfer from Thessaloniki airport to Sivota. We specialize in private tours and transfers for small groups, individual travelers, business travelers and families. Arrange a taxi or minivan transfer to or from Thessaloniki in advance and start your vacation stress-free. In case you are unable to complete the online booking successfully, please send us an email.


        Private Car Service

        1-4 Passengers

        from : 430€


        Minivan Service

        1-8 Passengers

        from :400€


        Minivan + Τaxi

        Up to 12 Passengers

        from :770€


        2 Minivans

        Up to 16 Passengers

        from :760€


        Journey Information



        Loading map...
        Journey Time

        Hotels in Sivota

        Transfer from SKG toALMIRA HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toCABO VÉRDE CAFE BAR
        Transfer from SKG toAMMOS HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUNSET VIEW ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toMEDUSA LUXURY SUITES
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA BLUE APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toAEGEON HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toDODO’S LUXURY SEAVIEW
        Transfer from SKG toANEMOS HOTEL

        Transfer from SKG toNICE VIEW HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toNONI ROOMS
        Transfer from SKG toPITHARI HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSANTA BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toSUN BEACH HOTEL
        Transfer from SKG toTZITZIFIES PENSION
        Transfer from SKG toVILLA KIZA APARTMENTS
        Transfer from SKG toWELNESS SANTA HOTEL

        What should I know about Sivota?

        Agia Triada is located approximately 14 kilometers from Thessaloniki airport Makedonia. One of the largest tourist resorts in the county of Thessaloniki as one can enjoy the beach, the sea and the sun while at the same time being very close to the city.

        The sea is shallow, the beach is big and organized, ideal for children and families. Furthermore, visitors can enjoy their food and their coffee, in the excellent view of the bay as there are many options for food and coffee.

        Finally, there are high standard hotels as well as rooms for rent to offer a comfortable stay. The distance from Thessaloniki airport SKG is 20 minutes and you can choose for your transportation a type of vehicle such as taxi or minivan.

        From SKG-Airport Makedonia to SIVOTA
        by #ThessalonikiMinivanTransfers#